Pretty to look at but oh so cold !
Monday, July 25, 2011
I know its winter and there is snow on the mouintain (if I could see it for the clouds) The snow is now down well past what is showing at the top of my blog. This is what greeted us this morning, This is the first time we have had a heavy fall of snow in our part of town !
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I can share with you now what I sent to Lynn B, who was the winner of my blog anniversary give-away draw I waited till they were posted on Lynn's blog.
As it was my second anniversary I said it would be two small gifts in the embroidered bag, one item would be stitched in a DMC colour chosen by the winner. Lynn chose DMC 603 pink and the flowers on the notebook cover were stitched in that shade. The second item in the little bag was one of my embroidered hearts with pulled thread work and bullion rosebuds.
I also tucked in the parcel a little pomegranate fob as a special thank you to Lynn for introducing several folk to my blog.
Do look at the photos on Lynns blog. She has said I could copy them but I really think its better if everyone visits her blog, however I have copied the pomegranate I have not been able to show any of the ones I have made, in such a clear close up.
Thank you Lynn.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
When I was in Coromandel last month Ann and I had planned a stitching project., we had decided to stitch Kalina's SAL "Winters Tale"" as found here- Unfortunatly I arrived with a heavy head cold that made stitching impossible so I started my piece after I came home and now that I have finished it am posting it so Ann can see my effort.
It is a really lovely piece to stitch, Ann had done several. it is shown on Kalina's blog in 5 parts with very good graphs and stitch by stitch photos.
If you down load the instuctions on any freebie chart do note they are for yourself and if your friends want to stitch them too, give them the link so they can down load it for themselves. There are a few web sites that state their freebies may be used for a for group projects or newsletter.So always check before sharing charts around among your friends.
I'm off to start a new project , will share when there is enough to see........
It is a really lovely piece to stitch, Ann had done several. it is shown on Kalina's blog in 5 parts with very good graphs and stitch by stitch photos.
This view shows the lovely crystal I have hanging down the centre.
If you down load the instuctions on any freebie chart do note they are for yourself and if your friends want to stitch them too, give them the link so they can down load it for themselves. There are a few web sites that state their freebies may be used for a for group projects or newsletter.So always check before sharing charts around among your friends.
I'm off to start a new project , will share when there is enough to see........
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Ann and I both stitch the same sorts of things , we are always sharing new ideas or bouncing thoughts from one to the other, so when it came to deciding what to stitch for her special birthday, it was hard to find a small item to stitch that she would not have seen. I finally settled for a scissor holder, quite different, I used the basic idea and added my own choice of designs. It was the type of mounting that
appealed to me about this piece.
Living in a small country town means limited embroidery supplies here, I have the full range of DMC but other threads I have to send away for. Sherelyn of Heirlooms in Napier sent me a selection of silks to choose from, that was hard they were all so lovely. I chose the Thread Gather silk Thread Dried Roses for the satin stitch diamonds round the edge and with it DMC 3726 , I would like to use this combination again sometime as I was pleased with the result.
You may recognise the design on the pocket, I have shown it sometime ago stitched on a Thread Tag, I reversed the pattern so it would be facing the correct way to fit on the pocket.
I am about to go to Junior Embroiderers group, they are all busy working on their pieces for the coming Regional Exhibition. Most of them are doing Blackwork, we did a piece of blackwork earlier in the year and it was great to see how well they coped stitching it. I also have a group of Ladies who travel down from New Plymouth once a month to study with me, mostly count thread work and currently some of them are stitching my blackwork sampler. Will share photos of this soon of that sampler which I am happy to share with others.
appealed to me about this piece.
Living in a small country town means limited embroidery supplies here, I have the full range of DMC but other threads I have to send away for. Sherelyn of Heirlooms in Napier sent me a selection of silks to choose from, that was hard they were all so lovely. I chose the Thread Gather silk Thread Dried Roses for the satin stitch diamonds round the edge and with it DMC 3726 , I would like to use this combination again sometime as I was pleased with the result.
You may recognise the design on the pocket, I have shown it sometime ago stitched on a Thread Tag, I reversed the pattern so it would be facing the correct way to fit on the pocket.
I am about to go to Junior Embroiderers group, they are all busy working on their pieces for the coming Regional Exhibition. Most of them are doing Blackwork, we did a piece of blackwork earlier in the year and it was great to see how well they coped stitching it. I also have a group of Ladies who travel down from New Plymouth once a month to study with me, mostly count thread work and currently some of them are stitching my blackwork sampler. Will share photos of this soon of that sampler which I am happy to share with others.
Thursday, July 7, 2011

This time we planned to stitch the delightful little bell SAL "Winter's Tale"seen on Kalina's blog- if you want to see the photo visit her blog and you will find it on the right hand side of the page. Ann started her piece, unfortunately I arrived in Coromandel with a cold and a drippy nose so no stitching for me for the first couple of days. I will however finish it.
The Guild Retreat started on the Friday night at Tangiaro Kiwi Retreat at Port Charles. Port Charles is an hours drive north from Coromandel and this is the first time the retreat had been held there. we arrive at 5.30pm and as it is winter here, it was getting dark and to add to that it was a cold damp evening, so I was delighted to go in to my lodge to find it lovely and warm with a fire going .

The damp weather prevent the evening bush walk to see the Kiwis, however one of our guild members who lives near by came in to talk about the work being done in the area to save these very special birds.
If you want to see more visit
Ann and I, as Tutors each had our own lodge, what luxury! During the day the living area in each of our lodges were used for the classes. My class ended up being very small, but we still had a lot of fun. I was sharing with them how to make one of my pocket bags, Pocket for Titania .
This is the start of Heather's bag she chose Christmas for her theme, I am looking forward to seeing the finished piece.
I took all my little pocket bags up for the workshop to give different ideas and started a new pocket something quite different I will share this with you in another posting.
I would love to go back up there again sometime and relax in those lovely surroundings. and have been dropping LARGE hints!!
I'm off now to sit by the fire and stitch.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Annie asked how I constructed my fobs I am happy to share and hoope this is of use to someone.
When I stitched the thread tag above, I was presented with a problem in that I had stitched my design using a lovely Sampler thread called Briar Rose, and I could not match it to make a cord , I did however have some silk fabric that was a perfect match. I have mounted it so that the silk shows round the edge, and am pleased with the result.
To make a Thread tag this way you need two pieces of cardboard, first cut one piece of card on which to mount your embroidered piece. Mount this first, using the thin wadding behind the stitching.
Look back at my last posting and take a closer look at the thread tag that Joan sent me.
She used a neat way of making sure she mounted everything straight, by backstitching in a contrasting colour where she wanted to fold in, and leaving it there as part of the design. Here is the back view of her tag which has a special touch with a border enclosing her message.
Today the mountain looks just like the photo at the top of my blog.... a good day for sitting by the fire and stitching.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Its always fun to open up my blog and find another follower had added herself to my friends list, this time on returning home after a week away I find not one new friend but ten! WOW not sure how you all found me but welcome I hope you will always find something to enjoy here. As many of my followers do not have blogs where I can visit and get to known you, I invite you to email me and introduce yourself I would love to hear from my new friends.
I need to catch up on a few mundane things before I have time to share my weekend with you.. it was just great...... so that will be next time.
Stitching friends exchange this time was a Thread Ring Tag ( Floss ring tag) my exchange partner I was to stitch for was Ann and as we were together at the weekend I did not post it but took it up to her, Its always fun to see peoples faces as they open up parcels. ( I also took up her birthday gift but left that for her to open on the day, so will show you what I stitched after the date)
This lovely design is from Danybrod creations I printed off the chart a long time ago and when looking for something to stitch for Ann it seemed just right, now I think I might stitch it again this time for myself. I chose for mounting, the dark red silk that Ann had used when making her pomegranate.
I need to catch up on a few mundane things before I have time to share my weekend with you.. it was just great...... so that will be next time.
Stitching friends exchange this time was a Thread Ring Tag ( Floss ring tag) my exchange partner I was to stitch for was Ann and as we were together at the weekend I did not post it but took it up to her, Its always fun to see peoples faces as they open up parcels. ( I also took up her birthday gift but left that for her to open on the day, so will show you what I stitched after the date)
I received this delightful rose design thread ring tag from Joan in the same exchange and promptly put it to use. I find these a most useful needlework accessory and Paul cuts the cardboard thread holders for me.
Have you ever lost yourself in the middle of stitching a pattern ? I don't know how it happened by when stitching "Little Miss Witch"a freebie from Krienik threads. I did just that so rather than re stitch it a little camouflaging was needed. I also changed the hair colouring to match Maree's who I made it for. The chart is still available look under free Halloween cross stitch patterns.
Back again soon.
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