I am very excited at being able to share some Wessex Stitchery done by several of my friends
Firstly a tiny piece from one of the Junior Embroiderers in the group that meet each week,
the four older girls working with Maree have all completed a a small block with "Steepholm stitch " and are now working on a second piece. They are really enjoying this type of stitching and having a
wider variety of threads to work with.
The four younger girls are working on canvas work with me and one lass keeps refering to her thread
as String!
Joycelyn from Christchurch in the South Island attended the very first class I taught on Wessex Stitchery (1997) and who has had a love affair with Wessex ever since, sent me some photos a while back but as the piece I really loved was part of a set she had sent to the National exhibition I have had to wait untill now to show it to you, and of course I saw it in the exhibition. Part of a set of pin cushions all stitched in Wessex Stitchery her 15 sided biscornu is a really lovely piece.
Joycelyn was also in my last class at conference and she shared with me her album ... Her Wessex Journey a record of all the pieces she had stitched. Truly the pupil has surpassed the teacher.
At conference my very good friend Ann taught a workshop " Wessex Draw String Workbag" her first bag that she had taught several time (I have shared photos of it a while ago on my blog) was very popular and she designed a new one for this workshop. The colours are really lovely in this piece however in the workshop everyone was able to make their own colour choice..
And from Mary Joan in Sheffield England comes some pieces that show how lovely varigated threads looks in this work. Mary Joan's Wessex stitchery was featured in " New Stitches" magazine in March of this year.
Now across the seas in a different direction from Hilton in South Africa, Rhoda has sent some of her Wessex
work Rhoda hasbeen stitching Wessex since 2002 and recently taught it at her Embroiderers Guild.
There has been some much lovely work shared with me, that it has been very hard to keep it to only two photos from each person. I hope seeing all this might inspire someone else to try this work too.