Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Now I have discovered some of these neat things to stitch, I have just designed  and stitched a small zigouioui, the design has a wreath of flowers made with closter blocks, chain stitch leaves and  beads.
 I stitched this one with red flowers as a christmas decoration.

It could be stitched with pastel shades for the flowers and fill with lavender for a gift or made as a pincushion not a hanging.

 The design area is 124 threads by 124 threads and any  count thread fabric could be used.
Back stitch round the design area first. The graph shows one section, turn it to repeat the other parts.


closter blocks and eyelets

chain stitches leaves


back stitch stems


Carol said...

Hi Lee! Thanks for visiting my blog--so happy to discover yours. I had never heard of a zigouioui before--glad to learn about something new. It is lovely :)

Annie said...

You have such a pretty blog! This design is so sweet. It looks so lovely stitched up.

I'm playing with my new buttons now. Thanks again!

Nima said...

wow...that's very pretty.

thank you for sharing the pattern

Carole Djiane said...

hello your ZIGOUIGOUI is very lovely !!!

I'm french ! :o)

Je suis la créatrice du zigouigoui et ce mot signifie plusieurs choses en français dont : petit rien (little nothing) ou petite chose que l'on ne peut pas nommer .

Si vous avez le temps j'aimerais beaucoup avoir une photo de votre zigouigoui pour ma galerie .
amitiés de France