Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I think of spring colours as the lovely yellows of daffodils, primroses, and crocuses mixed with purples iris, violets hyacinths and more crocuses, however one corner of the garden at present is glowing with bright red flowers.

The Kaka Beak  (Clianthus puniceus) has been really superb  this year, this lovely NZ native is virually extint in its natural state, but fortunatly is grown in many gardens.  We planted this one about 5 years ago and it is now 10 feet tall and much wider.
Named for the Kaka, a NZ Native parrot, quite a big bird with a large hooked bill. If anyone overseas wants to see this parrot  there are some lovely photos among the birds on this site.

One of the first cross stitch designs  that I had published many years ago was a border of kaka beak flowers, this new pattern I have posted would be suitable for a bookmark. the colours are 3 shades of red DMC 666 light red; 304 mid-red; 815 dark red;  and two greens 472 light green; 937 dark green. Outline the flowers in 815.


Joan said...

WOW - your Kaka beak is certainly looking fabulous. Janet and Brian have just planted one, so I hope it does as good as this. You might like to invite Janet on to your blog.

Chrissie said...

Interesting post. I wish you a great spring and summer. Colours are changing to autumn here of course but today is one of the warmest days this year :-)

Nima said...

wow...beautiful pictures and pattern

Joan said...

I like your addition of the roses in the welcome and the quote.