Today is Caitlin's birthday, 23 years ago I was mounting an exhibition of antique embroideries in Coromandel when I got the call that my second grand daughter had arrived in the world, I was not to know then, that here was the next embroiderer in the family and a fifth generation needlewoman. We have been able to share the love of stitching together from when she first started stitching at the age of five. Last year we stitched together a collection of animal decorations, and I shared this photo at the end of the year.
we had managed to stitch 17 and planned to add just one more, then the plans changed. Caitlin decided they would be great as an Advent activity with Ronan add one a day to the Christmas tree during December, so more were needed, another 7 in fact plus a star for December 25th. I have stitched the seven needed and added them to her birthday present. When I checked my photo's just now I find I did not take a photo of the penguin so here are the other six.
a koala Bear
Next birthday in the family is Rachel's and she has requested some Christmas decorations... cats. for her tree which is silver blue and white theme. and its time to make a list of my Christmas stitching for the three wee ones. I am blessed that I am still able to keep my needle busy.