First up is my challenge piece for February, I had not thought of including a fox in my woodland theme till this little chap caught my attention on Pinterest, I also found the chart and all the different ways other people had used this design, he certainly was popular. Quick to stitch I have now stitched him a couple of times and made them up as scissor fobs, the other
one has already gone to a new home and this one................ well I will possible share him with someone later meanwhile I am enjoying his company.
Yes I have given in and started stitching Snow flower diaries SAL and the first one is a fox...expect to see it posted soon, was inspired on when I have saw the finished piece stitched by several blogging friends. My start was delayed till I had finished some special pieces I was working on last month, they will now go in the mail and I will be able to share them with you later in the month.
Yesterday I packed away all the sewing bits from the last projects that had cluttered round my chair and on the coffee table, now with a clear working space, new month am off to make new stitching plans,
Time flies, but memories collected along the way can never be replaced.
Ashley Tisdale