I am over the moon and possibly way out in outer space...news from the National exhibitions has been just so great. Maree phoned as soon as the awards for the Junior Embroiderers section had been announced Tauranga Juniors took the overall award with a group piece and that left 8 awards..... AND 5 of them came to our Stratford junior embroiderers. Over the years we have had our different Juniors win awards but never 5 in one National Exhibition.
Caitlin who is now 14 years of age first entered work in a national exhibition at the age of 6 yrs and won the younger section that year with her Very Colourful Owl. and has had work in every national Exhibition and Regional since. National Exhibitions are every 2 years with Regional Exhibitions in the in between years.
Little 6yr old Hannah took 3rd place in the 12 years and under section and Sarah Lee ( who is 10yrs) took 2nd place in the same section with her blackwork piece "My dog Jackson" Sarah-Lee has had work in Regional exhibitions but this was her first entry in a National.
Jackson has taken hours of work over many months and is a great piece of blackwork I am specially proud at how she kept at it, coming in to embroidery once a week during the school terms.
I only have photos of these two pieces as they were both framed by Paul.
And Maree who also teaches the Juniors with me also won with her piece of work in the miniatures section.
It is school holidays here at present but when school starts again next week there will be some very excited young girls back at embroidery.
After 9 years here I retired from teaching the junior group at the end of last term, the group is in good hands with Maree and Mary both very experienced needlewomen there to teach them For me I have been fortunate to retire on a high, thanks to the childrens success.

Catlin's Very Colourful Owl.