I look when other people show their stash- me I have STACKS, stacks of paper, research notes, sketches, drafts for class notes, design drawings and more and more, need I go on you can imagine the paper pile and its not just one pile but several.

Now I am not teaching I am slowly working my way through and deleting as much as possible !
I did find this little drawing I had made of a rabbit, he was on a Christmas card that came from England some years ago, I had sketched him onto graph paper no doubt the intention was some time to chart him.
He was really calling out to be stitched and that was much more interesting than sorting papers, they have waited this long, a bit longer won't make much difference.
Here he is, I have stitched him from the drawing. and then I charted what I had stitched. The chart is here too in case anyone would like to stitch him.
And here is WIP I am stitching the background with a Sampler Thread from The Gentle Art Co. called Gold leaf. While I was stitching I remembered how to stitch a shaded background if you want it to go from dark to light. Divide the background into 5 sections cross wise. Chose three shades of one colour and stitch using 2 threads. the bottom section is stitched in the darkest shade, then next section is stitched use one strand of the dark shade and one of the medium together. part three is just the medium shade, then for the fourth section one strand of medium and one of the light, finally the top is two strands of the lightest shade. This makes a lovely soft shading.
Not quite finished.... next I will need to find something to back him with... finished item will appear at a later date.