Monday, February 15, 2016


 Annie's recent comment that I should be called "The Queen of Hearts" after all the hearts I had stitched over the years... well turn back the clock to 1941 and here is the Queen of Hearts

My special dance in the Ballet Recital that year was in the Nursery Rhyme sequence. I remember we came through a large book at the back of the stage and yes I was the queen of hearts. Mother had baked Jam tarts and then glued them into a patty tray so they would not move when I danced. After my dance the policeman back stage asked if he could have one of my tarts. I told him they were stuck in but he took out his pen knife and removed one and ate it...... later I panicked that because of the glue I had poisoned a policeman, however he must have lived on as I was never had up for murder.

The rather sad heart in the top corner is from my dress the only one left.

Happy Valentine Day to you all
From the Queen of Hearts.


KimM said...

Oh what an adorable picture and story. You were a beautiful Queen of Hearts đŸ‘‘

gracie said...

What a great story!

Vickie said...

Oh Lee, I enjoyed this post very much. What a fun story. You were just darling!!

Annie said...

That is just the cutest photo ever! And what a great story about your possible poisoning of the officer.

You might consider printing that photo onto fabric and making it the center of a crazy quilt square. It really needs special treatment.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Merilde said...

What a sweet story and wonderful memory!

Madtatter80 said...

Oh this is so cute and you looked so adorable, love this post :)

Madtatter80 said...

Oh this is so cute and you looked so adorable, love this post :)

cucki said...

Aww so sweet x

Cindy's Stitching said...

a great story Lee.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What a lovely memory! I am so pleased you did not poison a policeman!

Annette-California said...

The photo melted my heart! Oh how adorable and loved your story!
love Annette